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मरने के बाद भी जिवान दे जाती है माँ

Baby delivered from murdered mom

Medical worker delivers baby inside church after gunman shoots mother

Spanish doctors cared for a new-born boy delivered by emergency workers after a deranged gunman shot and killed his expectant mother in a church, officials said.
A medical worker said she decided "in just seconds" to deliver the baby inside the Madrid church by emergency caesarian after failing to save the life of the 36-year-old mother.
The team had to resuscitate the boy because his heart had stopped but it was too early to know whether he had suffered any brain damage, she added.
The drama unfolded Thursday evening in the Santa Maria del Pinar church, a brick building in northern Madrid.
"An individual enters and without a word shoots a pregnant woman in the head, then fires at another woman in the chest and then commits suicide with the same weapon," a Madrid police spokesman said.
The 34-year-old killer had no relationship with his victims, the police spokesman said.
"We assume it was a fit of madness," he said.
Spanish media said the man entered the church as about 30 people were taking mass and shot the pregnant woman in the head, then walked down the aisle and shot the second woman in the chest.
Finally the killer knelt before the altar and, looking on at his victims, shot himself in the head, witnesses were quoted as saying by media including state television RTVE.
The gunman, described by Spanish media as a homeless man with a record of drug dealing, threats and abuse, reportedly left a suicide note, the contents of which have not been disclosed.
The on-duty emergency services medic, Ceferina Cuesta, said there was nothing she could do to save the pregnant woman, whose heart had stopped and could not be revived despite desperate efforts.
"The woman was in cardiac arrest. We were trying to resuscitate her and discovered she was at term by asking the mother of the deceased who was there at the scene," Cuesta told public television RTVE.
"She told us she was due this very Saturday and we decided in just seconds to try to do something for this baby, to try to save him," she said.
As soon as it was clear that the mother could not be saved, the medical team performed a caesarian.
"It is a boy. He came out with cardio-respiratory arrest also, we resuscitated him, he had a pulse," Cuesta told Antena 3 television in another interview.
An ambulance rushed the baby to the neonatal unit at Madrid's Hospital de La Paz, she said.
"They are trying to do everything possible for him. It is still too early to know the possible neurological aftereffects."
The dead woman's grieving mother and husband had both been seen by counsellors, Cuesta said.
A spokeswoman at the Hospital de La Paz declined to release details of the baby's condition, saying the family had requested privacy.
The other injured woman was taken to the same hospital. According to a medical update none of the bullets hit vital organs and the woman, who it said was aged 52, was stable and out of danger.
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