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13 million abortions every year in China due to its rigid population control programme

Chinese officials force woman to abort foetus

A dozen officials burst into her home, dragged her out and carried out the abortion

An eight-month pregnant Chinese woman who defied the one-child norm was dragged out of her home and forced to have an abortion.
A dozen government officials entered the home of Xiao Aiying’s house and allegedly hit her and kicked her in the stomach before dragging her to a hospital where she was injected with a drug to kill the unborn baby, reported the Daily Mail on Friday.
The 36-year-old woman was restrained while doctors went about their given task of injecting the drug. The incident happened on October 10 in Siming, near the city of Xiamen, south-west China. The incident came to light when the couple decided to blog their ordeal, an act that could fetch them official retribution.
She may need a surgery to remove placenta left over in her uterus during the almost crude abortion conducted.
Video footage that came out of the hospital, showed Xiao left with a bruised arm from the beating she received from the officials who barged into her house.
The report quoted her construction worker husband Luo Yanquan as saying officials who burst into their home held her hands behind her back and pushed her head against the wall and kicked her in the stomach.  “I don’t know if they were trying to give her a miscarriage,” he said.
He said their 10-year-old daughter was excited about the baby her mother was carrying and says he cannot fathom how to convey this tragic news to the child.
He said months before the child was due, officials had told them it was an illegal act because they already have a daughter.
The incident came after a month Beijing reiterated that there was no relaxation in the country’s strict family planning laws.
The 1.3 billion strong nation allows only one child a couple in its rigid population control programme. The policy leads to an estimated 13 million abortions every year.
Violations of the rule could fetch fines of up to £25,000. But several families pay up the fines since the two decades of economic boom means many can afford such money.
The report quoted an official of the Siming district family planning commission as saying the woman volunteered to undergo the abortion, a claim her husband denied.
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